Vue JS 3: Composition API (With Pinia, Firebase 9 & Vite) Free Download

Already know the Options API? Switch over to the Composition API as quickly as possible! (Oh, and Pinia & Firebase 9!)

What you’ll learn

  • How to switch over from Vue 2 & Options API to Vue 3 & Composition API
  • Core differences between Options API & Composition API
  • State Management using Pinia
  • Create a real-world app from scratch with Vue 3, Composition API, Pinia & Vite
  • Firebase 9, including Cloud Firestore, Authentication & Security Rules


  • Basic understanding of Vue 2 & Options API
  • Basic understanding of HTML, CSS & JavaScript


If you’re already familiar with Vue 2 & The Options API, then this course will teach you everything you need to know to switch over to (and get started with) Vue 3 & the amazing new Composition API.

My name’s Danny, I’m an Indie App Developer & Creator of Fudget, the highest rated personal finance app for iOS, Android, Mac & Windows.

And I’ve spent the last 12 months creating Fudget 2 – which is built on Vue 3 & The Composition API.

In this course you’ll start by learning the key differences between the Options API & Composition API by creating a simple Options API app & converting it to the Composition API.

You’ll then master all of the basics including:

  • Reactive data with Refs & Reactive Objects
  • Methods, Computed Properties & Watchers
  • Lifecycle Hooks
  • Directives
  • Vue Router
  • Child Components – including the new ways of handling props, emits & modelValue
  • Dynamic Components
  • Composables – how to create them from scratch & how to import them from the VueUse library
  • And you’ll learn State Management using Pinia, the incredible successor to Vuex

After learning the basics, you’re gonna create a real world app called Noteballs from scratch – which has full CRUD capabilities, uses Pinia for State Management and demonstrates real-world use of all the basics you learned earlier.


The course has been updated with 3 hours of new content on Firebase 9, where we will:

  • Hook Noteballs up to a Firebase Cloud Firestore database
  • Add Authentication, so that multiple users can register, login and log out of our app
  • Add Realtime Data Sync, so that if a user adds a note on one device, they’ll see the note instantly appear on another device
  • Add Firebase Security Rules to protect our users’ data
  • Host our finished app on Firebase Hosting so that we can share it with anyone

After this course, you’ll be able to create your own Vue 3 apps based entirely on the Composition API – from scratch.

This course requires a basic understanding of Vue 2 & The Options API, HTML, CSS & JavaScript.

Please check out the preview videos & I look forward to seeing you in the course.

Who this course is for:

  • Developers familiar with Vue 2 & Options API who want to switch over to Vue 3 & Composition API

Course Link – Click Here

Download Link – Click Here

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